The Psychopathic behaviour of 4 Chicago teens, to kidnap then torture for two days, shouting racial hatred and anti-Trump rhetoric while using a social media tool, "Facebook Live" shows a serious disconnect that has swept our young people. Tightly gun controlled Chicago where 762 people lost their lives last year due to gun violence, where a Trump rally was cancelled last year due to violence and where the Chicago Police Department avoids large areas of the city after dark out of fear. And somehow those at CNN and other MSM outlets blame it all on a man and his supporters who hasn't ever held political office. To hear these Liberal propagandist talk, we aren't to blame those who committed this hideous multitude of crimes upon this helpless individual "its Trump and his racist supporters fault".
These obviously brainwashed and possibly mentally ill Liberals who promote everything that causes these types of crimes by their constant talking points based on total fiction. All designed to fulfil an agenda to divide people by race and to dumb everyone down as reality slips further away. American history is marked by years of false history mixed in with true historical facts. The Liberals appear to push the false history and worst of the true history as they destroy the minds of the youth. These issues should have all been corrected by mankind long ago but, we as a species are not apparently as intelligent as we think. How long have we roamed this earth and we still can't figure out that the amount of pigmentation in our skin is the very least of our problems as a whole? The Liberals need to start talking unification and stop the division of one race against another. And we all need to demand to be taught the true historical facts in all subjects.
This case that is being used to further divide the country, should be a call to fix the true problems that caused it. We are in a serious mess people, these 4 young people are proof. Could you imagine doing what they did to this handicapped person? Don't let anyone claim that the attackers were not aware of this persons disability. The time for excuses has long passed, the time to fix the true cause of why these 4 thought it was completely okay to torture another human being like this is where all of our minds need to concentrate. Its not Donald Trumps fault and the constant use of racist to describe him is an out right lie. Its not the Alt Right or the imaginary millions of racists that the Liberals claim exist, as this too is another lie. Who should we blame? The politicians and educators who keep adding fuel to the fire with their lies and deceptions.
Blame the governments that you have elected, demand that they stop the policies that destroy and propose policies that create a better life for all. Blame the teachers and professors that are supposed to be educated to teach the truth and stop the lies. Slavery didn't begin in America, it still exist today in many parts of the world. Its all races that have enslaved those of the same race and others. Teach the truth and stop the division because your failing to cover the entire part of a subject. Stop programing our youth to see color and start programing them to see themselves.
Lock these four up and give them the psychiatric help they need. No more games need to be played with this subject. And while we help these predators learn the truth and hopefully help them, this Autistic victim should be helped and the real cause of his condition needs to be exposed. This case shows us just how badly we as a society have become, unify and fix it with truth and a real desire to begin to heal our nation that has been destroyed by the true predators in this case. Those politicians and educators of all races, from Obama on down who seem to enjoy watching as the people attack one another over lies that these true predators have created. Five lives were destroyed in this incident and all have disabilities from the sensory issues of Autism to the clear mental disorder of being psychopathic. One race didn't cause this they all have played a roll.
A little note to MSM: This is how you cover an issue on race, notice that I didn't use Black, African American, White or KKK in this until now? I didn't mention the race of the victim or attackers as they all are victims to your lies deceptions, be proud of yourselves you just may cause others to become hurt.
I don't understand why the race of the perps should not be mentioned?
ReplyDeleteBecause the race does not matter. People need to be reminded of this. We are not black or white. We are Americans AND humans. That's it.
Deletebe aware when They call Evil good sbd good evil....
ReplyDeleteThis environment was created by the sheep herding democratic party who control the ghettos of america.those who have never seen themselves as a part of countries benefit actually hate trump in belief of doing a patriotic service. BRAINWASHED. .
ReplyDeleteThe professors in the University are Marxist.The Marxist teach the primary and secondary teachers in America. Marxists and their proteges' (teachers) goal is to divide the races to shift attention away from the Declaration of Independence: All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable, liberty,and property in the self or happiness. This declaration is the foundation of the revolution and the Civil War said Lincoln.This is what is not taught any more.It would calm the fears and distrust between all races and backgrounds.Deception can not live in the light of founding truth.