Thursday, January 12, 2017

President Trump Will Fight The Uphill Battle Against The Globalists And Win

Not much is new as Russia keeps being vilified by MSM, Democrats and the Globalist owned Republicans. Russian President Putin is not perfect, however these constant false stories have become so unjust and outright ridiculous. For those of us who have been following this entire storyline and understand what is really going on, it becomes frustrating. The Globalists and their agenda's are all out in the open and yet most people still have no clue. Even many Trump supporters are oblivious to the entire Globalist plan. As I watch the conformation hearings and little Globalists Republican Marco Rubio has to pound the tired Russian story again as he questions Rex Tillerson. Just as Globalist Democrat Diane Fienstein pushed false racism claims at Jeff Sessions. My God, how can US Senators sit and fling complete fabrications and keep a straight face? Makes me want to scream at the screen yelling " speak the truth!" Imagine if we hooked these people up to an electrical system that would shock them every time they lied. The Senate would be silent as well as the House.

Do the Russians hack? Yes they do, but they are not the source of the WikiLeaks emails. Do we hack? Yes we do and so does everyone else including corporations and individuals on a daily basis. End of story you would think. Well no its not because it's covering up the real story and that is what has been exposed by those hacks. We have been under the control of some very evil and mentally disturbed people. And the reason Hillary's server and what was found hasn't seen the light of day is because She, Bill, Huma Abedin, President Obama, the heads of the CIA as well as many top officials within our government willingly committed treason. They all communicated with Hillary on a known unprotected server that was hacked on several occasions. Americans died and our foreign policy was compromised. The DNC emails proves that our so called Democracy is a total lie. And the Podesta hack shows some very unseemly things going on in Washington with Satanic worship and of course #Pizzagate. We all know that the Clinton Foundation is a fraud, we know that Obama's birth certificate is a bad fake. The list of corruption and evil is so extensive that it would take pages to cover. And this doesn't include Chemtrails, GMO foods, vaccines, education, NASA, CIA involvement in drug trafficking, gun running and other nefarious activities that would anger the people if they were aware of the extant of criminal behaviour.

When you become aware of how our own government operates at home and throughout the world  it not only saddens you, it also forces you to acknowledge the evil behind it. The US government has been involved in major war crimes and crimes against humanity for decades. Not only are the Globalists to blame as we, by allowing ourselves to be ignorant need to shoulder this blame also. It doesn't take much thinking to figure out what drives men/women to act in these ways. Money, the root of all evil and power literally drives it all. This desire to become so rich that you could never spend it all makes some insane and willing to kill for it. One of mans worst traits that is animalistic in nature is to dominate others, become the king of the hill or Emperor of the world. This is who the Globalist are as they pick underlings to do their bidding while they hide in the shadows, living lives of such luxury that most couldn't even imagine.

At times throughout history a few have stepped forward from within this class of the rich and powerful to challenge the rule from the shadows the Elite Globalists. Our founding fathers were such men as most of them also of wealth were called to break from this pattern. In today's world we have men and women such as Donald Trump in the US, Nigel Farrage UK and Le Pen in France among others who have stood up to the Globalist and their evil works. These are people that despite wealth or some power have not allowed themselves to be corrupted or become involved in crimes against others. They are loyal to mankind and not those who seek to destroy it.

As we've been witness to this past election cycle, and its lies and deceptions were played out daily. All of the Globalists followers became exposed as they jumped onto the insanity band wagon. Those who spewed hate and were doing violent acts against Trump and his supporters as they played out the oldest of distraction techniques. MSM owned and controlled by the Globalists continue to even today as they rattle off outright lies, using the propagandist tool of repeating a lie over and over until it sticks. The recent Buzz Feed and CNN story of Donald Trump enjoying a golden shower by prostitutes in Russia many years ago is telling of the entire Globalist lie. Anyone who knows Donald Trump personally knew just how completely insane this story was. Unlike the Islamophobia or Xenophobia that he does not have, there is one phobia he fully admits and that is Germophobia. John McCain the longtime Senator from Arizona and failed presidential candidate as well as a known Globalist puppet admits his role in this obscene story. Ask yourself why would McCain allow himself to be a part of something so deceitful? The answer is actually not hard to figure out as that's who he is and that is how the Globalists work.

The Globalists within government are many as we now are seeing them fully exposing themselves. President Obama, the Clinton's, the Bush's, McCain, Ryan, Pelosi, Fienstein, the heads of all the departments and agencies all the way down to Little Marco Rubio who rattled off the complete false narrative about Russia and its President Putin. While questioning Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson. Even the charge of war crimes against Putin about the events in Aleppo Syria were brought up by Rubio. Got news for you Sen. Rubio, the Russians were killing ISIS and their affiliates, last I heard those are the terrorists we are supposed to be taking out. But of course you know who ISIS really is don't you? These are only a small portion of the lies being told to us.

Our 45th President Donald J. Trump has what seems to be a monumental task ahead as he takes on what is our establishment, those controlled by the Globalists. If you were listening closely during the campaign, the Globalists were trying to paint Trump as being not very intelligent and prone to conspiracy theories. The fact is he is very intelligent and knows the truth about what the Globalists have been up to, what they have done and what lies they have told. Trump knows who they are and how they think, he has been studying them for years up close and personally. He knows the truth and this is what has the Globalist terrified. As Hillary Clinton famously said " if I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses". Seems Hillary was telling on herself and her Globalists masters and fellow puppets. The crimes they have committed are so severe that the death penalty would be justified even by someone like me who is against the death penalty. The truth is all out there for anyone who wants to see it. Donald Trump is for real he is going to fight for us and take down this veil of secrecy and lies that have destroyed this country and its citizens. Again I must stress the need for us all to not only support him but join the fight. After all its our futures and the future of mankind to begin to remove those who have done us all so much harm.


  1. Excellent report my friend,I concur., President Trump is going to vanquish these evil Globalist.

  2. Globalism is taking a huge hit worldwide and thanks to Globalists pushing for open borders all over Europe the Globalists have actually exposed themselves by being so ambitious.

    They went all in with Hillary Clinton instead of a slower calculated increase with Berney Sanders and inadvertently exposed the scale of corruption and cooperation Globally.

    America is starting to wake up and luckily liberals are running on feelings and ideologies while conservatives have enough facts and data to debate their dismissive self entitled arguments with common sense.
