Due to Hillary keeping her condition quiet and Hitler doing the same we only have the tell tale signs to go by in making the presumption without proper diagnostic testing results to come to the proper conclusion. Parkinson's disease has been most likely with us since the earliest of times as symptoms are mentioned throughout recorded history. James Parkinson wrote a paper on it in 1817 and after later studies in the late 1800's this progressive disorder was named after Parkinson. A central nervous system disorder with no known cause it has been associated with genetic and environmental risks. The symptoms include the tremor of one hand at first when at rest, difficulty walking, head bobbing, slowness of movement and problems with posture. It also over time begins to affect memory, temperament and rationality. Since it is progressive Parkinson's can include a wide range of symptoms including swallowing.
We can look at Adolph Hitler to see how his appearance and mental abilities changed over time as his symptoms appeared to become more noticeable outwardly. He was known as an energetic speaker, very demonstrative in his manor. He also had the ability to talk for hours and had a great memory for past events. As time went on he began to complain of problems with sleep and also suffered from physical problems that were excused as being the result of injuries sustained during the First World War. Despite his lack of tactical training Hitler had shown the ability to understand the battlefield. He used his political abilities to gain full control of the German government then both political and superior military abilities to swallow up most of Europe quickly.
However a hand tremor became noticeable, he tried to hide it by keeping his hand in his pocket, holding things or even using his other hand to hold it steady, his facial expression had changed from a look of confidence and energy to sullen and at times bewilderment, His movements began to slow and his cognitive abilities began to rapidly decline. He doomed the Third Reich by opening up the always failed 2nd front by attacking the Soviet Union. He began to suffer from fits of rage that would come out of nowhere, belittling his General staff and aides. He ordered the complete destruction of Germany and allowed the German people to suffer complete hardship that only insanity would allow. Although it could be argued that Hitler was insane from the beginning it must be known that his hatred for the Jewish population of Europe was not only his original thought. This was a trend that involved many throughout Europe at the time. His Final Solution on the Jewish question was also not solely driven by him. When the War was coming to an end many of those who survived the concentration camps were told not to go east as they were hated there also.
Hillary Clinton also shows similar signs of Parkinson's as she has been attempting to hide it for at least ten years. The first fall was in 2005 when she broke her elbow then a series of falls that were ignored until the one where she hit her head and received a concussion and blood clot. This is when she should have been diagnosed for certain. However her records remain hidden. Her staff and aides began to notice that she was confused at times, an anger issue she always had became worse, her memory is so bad she even admitted it to the FBI investigators in July, she has trouble at times walking up and downstairs, she props herself up when sitting in chairs with pillows, a back brace has been seen as her posture is a problem, there are times that she is seen shuffling as she moves slowly, her trouble swallowing has become so bad she has coughing fits that causes her to cancel most speaking engagements, she has described problems with sleep for over 5 years, her facial expressions have changed noticeably. Now a device has been spotted in her ear at the Commander In Chief Forum and begs the question why does she need an ear piece and who is talking and what are they saying?
As with Hitler, Hillary shows all the symptoms of Parkinson's and is therefore unfit to be President as she not only has the obvious motor function decline, she also has the neurological problems that would make her dangerous to not only America but the entire world. Her ability to think clearly at all times is no longer possible. The question is how and why the Democratic Party allowed her to get this far? Are they so fearful of the Clinton wrath to say no? Or was it thought they could keep her functional at least until the election was won? If that was the case they have sadly misjudged just how far along Hillary's Parkinson's has progressed. They not only have fooled themselves they have fooled America showing without a doubt that you mean nothing to these Establishment Globalists who will again repeat the horrors of the past, as their Final Solution for us all becomes reality.