Sunday, September 4, 2016

Americans Are You Paying Attention? Vote Wisely!

With two months remaining before Americans decide their fate we are seeing two very different campaign styles that are showing what issues are most important to the presidential candidates. On one hand we have the Establishment Globalist backed Democrat Hillary Clinton, who seems not to be able to campaign in the traditional style of prospective seekers of the most powerful position in the world. Clinton has a record and a political history to look at, yet unfortunately this is a scandal ridden candidate that isn't offering any changes for the way things are. Her biggest issues are more immigration and now looking to start a war with Russia. She spends her time away from the people and only seems capable of meeting up with rich donors to her campaign and her foundation that has become exposed as a pay for play scheme.

Every week more emails reveal just how badly she ran the State Department while Secretary of State, how all measures to protect national security were ignored and even seemed to be purposely allowing her private servers to be hacked. She and her aides did as they pleased and the way the Clinton Foundation was integrated into State Department business shows the true corruption that Hillary Clinton represents. There were many without the proper security clearances involved in US foreign policy who also had influence over it. The list of laws broken and crimes committed is extensive, yet they have been ignored by those whose jobs are to prevent, investigate and prosecute them. One reason is behind this and it should be disturbing to all. Not only was Clinton involved but so were many more and it includes the White House, as they too knowingly communicated over an unsecured private server with Clinton. How can it be proven? Simple really, as this was the only way you could communicate with Hillary at this time. 33,000 deleted emails about yoga and a wedding? Not even close to being true.

What changes for the better has Hillary offered? Only an increase in bringing more unvetted so-called refugees into the US. Clinton also promises to go after Wall Street and the Big Banks, yet they have given her millions so you know this isn't true. She promises to get equal pay for women in the workplace, again her own Foundation doesn't do this so why would anyone believe it. She promises to fix the 2nd amendment, her term fix should read eliminate. She promises to restrain access for news organizations she labels as the cause of division and tellers of conspiracy theories, eliminate the 1st amendment. Her newest calls are to start a war with a Nuclear Power, Russia over cyber attacks she claims have been done without proof. She is campaigning from behind a wall of secrecy as she is rarely seen in public and refuses to hold press conferences. 

A vote for Clinton/Kaine is a vote for more of the same economically, the continued assault on our constitution, failing healthcare, education and big cities, continued rise in poverty numbers, elimination of the middle class, higher taxes, more intense divisions based on race, massive increases in immigration that already are having a negative effect on society, promotion of Sharia Law, a President who is rarely seen and who will not hold legitimate press conferences and the worst part will be you will put someone in the White House who will not hesitate to get us involved in a Nuclear War. She just threatened Russia last week while in Cincinnati Ohio.

On the other hand, thank God we have a clear choice. Donald Trump who doesn't represent the Establishment Globalists as in fact he is 100% against their plans of a One World Government. He has spent decades dealing with these people and listening in horror to their plans. He fought and destroyed them during the Republican Primary. He is your old time western gunslinger who isn't afraid of anyone and relies on instinct and speed to outdraw any opponent. At times he is guilty of saying things that are too easily misinterpreted but he refuses to be politically correct as honesty is always the better way to go. Known for his hands on approach in years of the tough and tumble business world, Trump brings the willingness to stand up for what is right. Despite the constant calls that he is somehow racist, he has done many things for the Black community that have gone unseen. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton forget the help that Trump gave the Rainbow Coalition. People forget how he fought against racism when he forced private clubs in southern Florida to allow people of color to be members. He was a businessman and didn't need to be bothered with the issue, however it is his belief that we all are equal and so he got involved. The claim that he is a sexist is also not true as time and again he puts women in the toughest and top positions within his companies. He also pays men and women equally and has for years. The fact is that Donald Trump doesn't care what color you are, what sex, your sexual preference, how rich or poor you happen to be. He cares about people and he has proven it by his actions for his entire career in business.

Trump has supported both Democrats and Republicans over the years, as he admits he has played the game that is required to become as successful as he has. The one constant has been his hope that just one of these politicians would do as they actually say and not continue to just keep doing things that destroy the country and its people. He is old school in his views about business so he uses the thought that in order for capitalism to work, you pay your employees well, make it so that they have the money to buy the product or service you offer. You can not expect to profit if you don't have employed and financially secure people to sell too. That is what Henry Ford did that created the US auto industry that is now being picked apart piece by piece literally as plants move out of the country.

The outreach being done to Black and Latino communities is not just a tactic, it is an essential part of rebuilding America, to be the industrial powerhouse and burgeoning middle class it once was. The inclusion of people like Dr. Ben Carson in the campaign, who understands what is needed to change the downward spiral of the inner cities, brings to the forefront the importance of education, jobs and revisiting the crucial affect of family and the values that have been ignored for far to to long.

The Globalist are in a full blown panic as their plans are being threatened by Donald Trump and the movement that had become dormant as there seemed to be nobody in politics who was willing to fight the fight. Trump represents America and its people as we are proud, want to be first, want good jobs, want a home of our own, want family values and want to be allowed to be free. The Globalists have taken all of these things from us, as they attempt to make the world as one. If I go to Italy or Tanzania I don't want to see a McDonalds or Walmart, I want to see a different culture a different and unique Italian or Tanzanian way of life. The Globalist want everything the same and everyone to look act and be the same. Trump represents individualism and the freedom required to be individuals. America must come first so that the world can be safe again from the Empire building Globalists. We must take care of our own and stop the flow of illegal immigration that only removes the resources needed to bring Americans out of poverty. You can't continue to tell people to go to the back of the line. This line is getting longer and some are being put in front of others who have been patiently waiting for decades. It is unfair and totally un-American.

A vote for Trump/Pence will begin to clean up the corruption in Washington, education will be given back to the communities and freedom of choice will allow those who wish, to choose the education their children deserve, healthcare will be overhauled with the elimination of the failed Obamacare, the tax system will change and give small business a chance again to grow and create jobs. Our federal government will be overhauled and slimed down to restrict costs and power that it has unlawfully assumed, the Constitution will not be dismantled or ignored as it will be followed once again. Immigration will be limited to those that want to come to the US because they want to abide by and respect our values and culture. Our military will be rebuilt and equipped with the best weaponry not to fight, but to keep others from even thinking about it. ISIS and its supporters will be eliminated, we will no longer be involved in nation building as this is the job of those inside these countries to decide for themselves what they want. Our President will be hands on as will all those within the executive branch and they will follow the law. Every voice every idea and every American will be heard and not silenced as has been the goal of the Globalists. Vote for freedom on November 8th America, vote America First!

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