Joe Biden speaking in Cleveland Ohio to a small group of Clinton supporters representing the United Auto Workers. Blames everything on Republican policy and some how Donald Trump. Has anyone told Joe that the Republican Establishment and Hillary Clinton are on the same page? Donald Trump is not Establishment Republican and it is their policies as well as Obama/Biden and Clinton policies that Trump is running against. Like you admitting Obama/Clinton created ISIS as you said a President should know.
Biden also claimed that Trump plans on cutting Social Security and Medicare, say it isn't so Joe! Donald Trump has never said that and in fact he was the only Republican candidate who said he wasn't cutting these programs. The questions to Joe should be, Where is Hillary? Why can't she campaign two days in a row? Why won't she hold a press conference? And why can't the Democrats get more than a couple hundred people to come listen to you or Hillary?
It is becoming sadly comical to watch the Democrats this presidential election. Rally's that are so small they look like small town meetings on whether to put up a traffic light on Main Street or not. You have your presidential candidate going MIA for days at a time. She has more and more emails coming out showing just how corrupt she is. Joe Biden has been trying to help but all that he does is lie or tell everyone exactly who in the room has the codes to the US Nuclear Weapons, Obama fly's around the world seeking the best golf courses. These politicians are looking like The Three Stooges as they run around acting as if they really are not sure what they are doing.
As the saying goes stick a fork in them they are done. We are in this mess due to the policies of both Establishment Republicans and Democrats, not Donald Trump. We are in this mess because of a coup by stealth that the Globalists have pulled off. We are in this mess because Americans had fallen asleep for too long. We will get out of this mess now that we have a presidential candidate who tells the truth, exposes government corruption and wants to actually represent all Americans and reverse the policies the Globalists have used to destroy us. We are awake now and don't find The Three Stooges entertaining anymore. Joe go home, Obama go away, far away and Hillary we have a cell with your name on it just waiting for you once President Trumps, Attorney General Rudy Giuliani gets done with you.
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