Sometimes you keep pointing your finger in the wrong direction to cover up what really happened and who is really to blame. Why is Hillary Clinton so insistent that it was a Russian Cyber Attack that exposed the corruption and fraud within the Democratic National Committee? Why isn't MSM pointing out that the DNC literally stole an election? How did this just become a non issue and why do Democratic supporters just act like its okay that their party is corrupt? Hillary is doing her best to keep people looking the other way, in fact she is willing to start World War III over it. Could it be that more than corruption and fraud was involved here? There is the unsolved murder of Seth Rich the DNC staffer who had complete access to the emails in question. It seems as if someone is so criminally minded that we have a huge story that is being covered up. Let us look again at some of the basic facts.
April 12 2015 Hillary Clinton officially announces she is running for president. No real surprise here as she was told in 2008 that she was to follow Obama, this decision was made in one of those smoke filled backroom deals by party bosses, in this case the Globalist Elite of Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, The Republicans would put up another hand picked Globalist cleared candidate in Jeb Bush. The money and power would be behind these two handpicked members of political dynasties that would square off in November 2016. The American voter will believe they picked the winner and it will be another good show of the democratic process. Hillary would be sworn in, in January of 2017 and another fraudulent election will go into the books.
Two things happened that wasn't in the Globalist playbook. Independent turned Democrat Bernie Sanders of Vermont brought his Socialist views that quickly caught on. And on the Republican side, Donald Trump the New York City billionaire who has been in the spotlight since the 1970's would announce his candidacy, He wasn't taken seriously as he had no political experience and was seen to be doing his normal self promotion.
A total of 19 Republicans filed the papers necessary to run in the primaries, two never got their campaigns started and the rest began to step out one at a time. Something strange was going on as this Trump guy, who nobody took seriously was gaining momentum. It soon became clear that Trumps message was being heard and accepted by the voters. The field was becoming smaller as those who had little chance from the start dropped out. Certainly Trumps anti establishment message would begin to loose support over time. During the debates Trump sized up an opponent and fired direct hits shortening the field. The Republicans knew they had a problem when Trump went head on at Jeb Bush and knocked him out of the race. 9/11 the Achilles heel was brought up, Bush had nothing he could say to defend against it, he and the Republican party lost the primary that day. The people had found a voice, who said what they were thinking and it was coming from Donald Trump.
The Republican Party tried everything to derail this Trump Train, they threw all their money and support behind a Junior Senator from Florida Marco Rubio, following the Bush departure, who was destroyed by Trump quickly, the Party then turned to a Globalist mole who had won his Senatorial seat from Texas claiming to be anti establishment and he went one on one against Trump, he had won a few states with the help of the establishment republicans, but he was blown out of the water as Trump exposed him for who he really was. Governor John Kasich of Ohio had kept his head down and avoided any one on one with Trump and just kept plugging away but lacked support and quietly walked away. This left the Republican Party one last ditch effort to right the ship, a rule change at the convention to steal Trumps nomination. They didn't stand a chance as Donald Trump became the Republican nominee.
The majority of the Globalist controlled members of the republican party like Mitt "I gave Obama 2012" Romney, the Bush "CIA family dynasty", Ted "I just can't tell the truth" Cruz and John "I'm boring myself" Kasich have all refused to endorse Trump with some even saying they will vote for fellow Globalist Hillary "I try not to lie", "we came, we saw, he died", "what difference does it make?" Clinton. This has proven that the American voter has been fooled into believing we have a two party system. Up until Donald Trump we had one with two names to represent the center right Republicans and the center left Democrats. Both parties had become one over time under the control of the Globalists, who you hear about as Special Interests. These special Interests also run all major sources of the news media and entertainment industry that molds your opinions and creates the lies and deceptions that you have come to believe as truth.
On the Democratic side they too were surprised by the amount of support this Independent turned Democrat Bernie Sanders was getting. Right off the bat in Iowa it became clear that Hillary wasn't going to just walk into the nomination, the voters had other plans. It took 6 coin tosses in Iowa that Hillary won just for her too get the first win. She already had all the states Superdelegates in her pocket but the Democrats like Republicans have to give the illusion that the people actually have a say in the process. This became a problem that quickly had to be resolved, the people were not cooperating at all. After 8 years of Obama the American voter wasn't happy, the Establishment politicians were not getting things straightened out. In fact the past 30 years had been rough as good jobs were leaving and pay was stagnant, the future wasn't looking any better. Like Trump on the right Bernie was gaining momentum. Hillary again as is normal with the Clinton's was embroiled in a serious scandals, and Bernie took full advantage of this as he began winning primaries but was falling short on delegate counts since Hillary started with the Superdelegates that gave her the actual wins in states that Bernie had won the popular vote in.
The fix was in, the Democratic National Committee was working overtime ensuring that Hillary would win. Unlike Trump, Sanders didn't possess the fighters mentality and he wouldn't put up a fight. After a series of Sanders wins it became necessary for the DNC with the help of MSM to flip vote totals in order to secure Hillary's nomination. The Bernie supporters were infuriated and they watched as their leader stood at the podium at the National Convention in Philadelphia and gave his endorsement to Hillary who had just stolen the election from him. Bernie's people caused some issues as they booed those who spoke highly of Hillary, they soon began a boycott and the DNC was forced to hire people off the streets to sit in the empty seats left by the Bernie supporters. After all this was nationally televised and they couldn't show the truth.
By the time Hillary made her acceptance speech the truth of the steal thru corruption, fraud and collusion with MSM had been out in the open since just days before the convention. Democratic Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign as Julian Assange's WikiLeaks had released emails between the DNC members and showed how they stole the Hillary nomination. Democrats being Democrats cheered wildly as Clinton finished her speech, those who were paid to sit in for the absent Bernie supporters did a convincing job for television viewers and earned every penny they made. Americas so-called democratic process shown to be a fraud and right in front of everyone yet half the country doesn't even know about it or are suffering from denial.
Something else had happened soon before the WikiLeaks revelations thru emails and documents from the DNC. A DNC staffer, Seth Rich age 27 was murdered while walking home from a late night of work at DNC headquarters in Washington DC, he had stopped for drinks before making the last twenty minute walk home. All that has been shared about this mysterious so called robbery turned murder is that he left a bar between 2-2:30am his whereabouts for about two hours before the police responded to gunshots being heard at around 4:19am remains part of the mystery. He was found with bruising as if he had been in a fight and 4 bullet wounds in his back. Despite still having his wallet, credit cards,money plus a watch and cellphone the DC police called it a robbery that went bad. Seth was on his cellphone with his girlfriend that early morning when she heard what was described as a scuffle then Seth told her he had to go and would call her back. That was the last anyone heard from him. The time of this call has not been verified. As anyone looking at this would clearly assume, whoever came up onto Seth was known by him and his actions over the phone were not that of someone being approached by someone they didn't know. This has all the signs of a Mafia style hit. He was approached by someone he knew, they roughed him up for information then once they got it, killed him so that he couldn't tell anyone about the confrontation. This case is still open as the DC police say they have no leads.
End of part one
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