Saturday, September 3, 2016

Does Hillary Remember That She Is Running For President?

Seems like Hillary Clinton has been forgetting many things for quite some time now, has she forgotten that she is running for President of the United States? With the latest release of information from the FBI we are either suffering from a case of Deja Vue or the Democratic nominee for president is completely unfit to become our 45th President.

It wasn't long ago that members of Ronald Reagans administration and himself suffered from a form of amnesia when it came to the Iran-Contra Affair. "I don't recall" was often heard by investigators as this scandal played out. Ironically this whole affair led to Arkansas where then unknown Bill Clinton was Attorney General then Governor of the state the CIA had used a small airport in, Mena Arkansas was the perfect place to fly in cocaine and fly out guns. We seem to have come full circle as Bill brought his Arkansas Mafia north to Washington DC in 1992.

This of course included his wife "on paper only" Hillary who spent 8 years in the White House as First Lady, 8 years as a US Senator from New York followed by 4 years as Secretary of State. After what seems to be 100 scandals and 50 plus mysterious deaths of those close to, or advisories of the Clinton's, here we are in 2016 with Hillary running for president. Of course she brings a scandal with her after another scandal where the Democratic Party stole the primary election through deceptions by Mainstream Media and fraudulent vote tallies, from Bernie Sanders for her. Her time as Secretary of State was full of intrigue and corruption that has caused the deaths of untold numbers of people throughout the world and still counting. At the same time she and her husband have become extremely wealthy by using a pay for play scheme in connection with their Clinton Foundation.

As Secretary of State it is now known that Hillary used a private unsecured server to do both US and personal business on. Her claim of not knowing this was not allowed are bogus as she has been in Washington for far too long, plus she was told what the protocols are. We now know that she destroyed government documents and data and this too is illegal, she lost and destroyed several devices that were used including a laptop that was mailed for whatever reason. The list of crimes is long, but she was not indicted for any, as the FBI and Justice Department looked the other way. We now hear that she used a variation of the "I don't recall" defence used during Iran-Contra, it was again employed as Hillary told the FBI that she had suffered a severe brain injury that results in her not remembering things.

Convenience or the actual truth, something Hillary is rarely capable of doing as her history is that of a pathological liar? Her actions are screaming that she is suffering from some type of neurological disorder as she has trouble walking, standing, with balance, memory lose, confusion and at times appears to short circuit as her facial expression shows that she seems to look bewildered. Some of the emails that have surfaced show that she complains of being tired all the time and her close associates mention that she is often confused. There also has been some emails discussing a Parkinson's drug. Yet all of these facts are labeled a Right Wing Conspiracy Theory. The truth is that she is unfit to become President and if the Globalist Elite pull off the steal from Donald Trump the entire country will be put in danger, every man, woman and child's lives will be at risk.

Hillary Clinton's health is failing and she should have never been allowed to have gotten this far. The Globalists have ignored all of the signs that she is not only extremely unhealthy, but that her mental function has been deteriorating rapidly since she suffered a concussion in late 2012. Her criminal background that has only been covered up due to a corrupt system, that allows her to continue to break any law she wishes, should have raised warning flags that she is not presidential material and is criminally insane by definition. Its not that Hillary has forgotten, it is that the Globalists have realized their mistake and believe that they can get her in office if they keep her disabilities hidden from view, and then surround her with enough puppets that they can complete their plan of eliminating the republic and creating the long awaited One World Government.


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