Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Clinton Continues Russian Conspiracy Theory, What About Seth Rich? (Part Two)

Part Two;

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange who has been held up in the Ecuadorina Embassy in London England as he avoids Extradition for a Rape Charge in Sweden that he flat out denies, was interviewed by Dutch television recently. He didn't say that Seth Rich was the source of the emails about the DNC's stealing the primary election for Hillary Clinton, However he used the case as an example of what can happen to people who do leak information on government corruption. He followed it up by offering $20,000 for any information that leads to a conviction of the murder(s). To most observers Assange in fact did say that he received the DNC emails and documents from Rich.

So why is Hillary so convinced that it is the Russians who had done it? Why does she think that Vladimir Putin would want to interfere in US elections? During an event in Cincinnati Ohio last week Hillary called it a Cyber Attack, that was an act of war by the Russians. Its terms like these that start wars and Hillary again is still blaming the Russians. Is she distracting the public from the emails and documents that proves she and others in the DNC are corrupt and that the American political process is rigged? That's one reason, but the MSM hasn't really covered the story and what they did do was done quickly and is now gone and was treated as tho it is no big deal. One thing this blaming Russia does, it keeps the murder or execution of Seth Rich out of the picture.

Put the blame on the Russians and twist it to mean that Putin and Trump are somehow working together in order for Russia by way of Trump to gain control of the White House. This would be a good action adventure movie with James Bond stopping the evil Russian criminal mastermind Vladimir "The Iceman" Putin from overthrowing freely elected governments throughout the World.
Hillary, I think you have created a wonderful Conspiracy Theory, as this is truthfully insanity driven.
The fact is she is most likely hoping that nobody ever solves the murder of Seth Rich, he had to be silenced as a trial would have been too risky as it would have further shown just how evil Hillary and many within our Globalist controlled government have become, Just another number added to the Clinton Body Count.

Seth Rich was described as a young man who believed in America, he believed that having the right to vote was the backbone of freedom. He has been rumoured to have been a supporter of Bernie Sanders like so many of the younger voters who also have no trust of the Establishment politicians. This case will most likely fall by the wayside as all of the other suspicious deaths surrounding the Clinton's and the Democratic party in general have. There seems to be so much to hide in politics today that murder is a tool used to not only forever silence some, but to create the atmosphere of fear for others to keep quiet or suffer the same consequences.

So we move along with the theories that Seth Rich died for no reason at all and so the story was quickly squashed by MSM. The Russians are interfering in our elections as they have teamed up with the Trump campaign, hacked the DNC email server, are involved with the altright working with Breitbart, the Drudge Report and so-called conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to misguide the American voter, Obama is now even claiming the Russians will interfere in the voting process on election day. This shows the willingness of Clinton and Obama to create lies in order to cover up their own corruption and fraud. They are willing to push us into war with the Russians, not due to real threats or actions, just to cover up their own desire to destroy America. Our enemy is not Russia, it is the Global Establishment within.

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