Obama, in his quest to destroy everything from healthcare to the Constitution is continuing as he turns the last bastion of finding truth, the internet over to the Globalist One World Government. On October 1, 2016 the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will gain sole control over the internet, their slogan, One World, One Internet, says it all. Another piece of the puzzle that will complete the goal of One World Government.
Our mainstream news media (MSM) has been under Globalist control for some time and we all see how that works. They manufacture the information you receive and rarely tell the truth as its pure propaganda. That left the internet as a source of information when doing research or finding the truth. There was a time when even .gov websites would post things that contradicted what was being told by MSM. Back in the late 1990's most of us that were researching into why the sudden explosion of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) had occurred, we used information from government and pharmaceutical company websites and found the information pointing to vaccines as one of the major contributors of this phenomenon. Once we would write about it and cite particular web pages, those pages would be removed by them. Pure coverup of truth to mislead the public. It was a game of cat and mouse as we who found the information, were finding the proof and those who denied it were removing it just as quickly. This was when I discovered the truth about our government and its willingness to out right lie and mislead the public. I would watch and read the MSM and see how they too would claim all that I found was labeled as untrue. I and many others wrote books and articles on the internet, yet the truth remains hidden today. The movie Vax is a prime example of this situation on the vaccine issue. California forced vaccination program shows the denial of truth by government. The fact is that vaccines are linked to many of the chronic health problems we see today and even cancer, some even contain things to cause lower birth rates among vaccinated populations.
Reputations, careers and even lives have been the price that those who dare tell the truth pay in this world today. Government Whistleblowers are imprisoned for only telling the truth about corruption and fraud that is becoming the norm in government. Honesty is silenced while lies are rewarded. A prime example is weather manipulation by government, despite evidence being right in front of you that it is 100% true, most don't believe it because MSM and government says it not true. You can sit outside and watch the aerial spraying of Chemtrails that can produce artificial clouds that stops the natural process of heat to rise causing elevated temperatures, or they can cause flooding rains and even spray chemicals and viruses if they wish. But no its all a conspiracy theory despite your ability to find members of the government discussing it on the internet. The problem is for every truth there are 100's of lies that you must filter through to find it, if it hasn't been removed.
Social media also plays their role as they will suspend accounts that they deem Hate driven. The now known Hate Speech that is considered a badge that makes your views unacceptable. What? Yes there are now limits as to what is an acceptable point of view. But who decides this? Who gave them the right? It seems that if you follow the Globalist doctrine then you can say anything you want. But if you challenge them you will be censored by having your views hidden or placed so deep within a search nobody has the time to find it. And of course they can just kick you off the site.
ICANN will be able to kick whatever point of view they deem unacceptable off the internet. Search engines already have and use this ability today, what you write or post may not become indexed and therefore never be seen. But ICANN can go further and remove your .com status and shut your site off from access. Therefore silencing you completely. We see this also today, DCLeaks webpages about George Soros went mysteriously missing. By the way George has his tentacles that reach throughout the world by infiltration of governments and Nongovernmental Organizations, like Black Lives Matter and Hillary Clinton, into ICANN through foundations and other nefarious organizations like his Open Society that in truth has the goal to close society by silencing the truth. This move by Obama without congressional interference is going to silence the truth from ever being seen again, the internet will become like MSM and only allow you to know what the Globalist want you to know. As Hillary has said she will shutdown news sites that don't tow the Globalist line by labeling them extremists and conspiracy theorists. This may be done for her by ICANN, 1st amendment destroyed. As the death of our Republic is almost complete. Where did I hear that before? Obama, at the White House Correspondence Dinner this year.
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