It appears that Hillary Clinton sees Russian President Putin as the cause of all the problems facing the world. He somehow is behind all of the Nationalist movements here in the US and in Europe. Nigel Farage who led the Brexit move in the UK and Donald Trump and the Alt Right in the US take their orders from the mastermind Putin according to Hillary. Since the term Conspiracy Theory is used most often when someone is telling a truth that a government doesn't want known, we can call this exactly what it is, "Insanity." Hillary has been pointing to Russia as the main global threat for some time. She doesn't speak too much at all about Radical Islamic terrorism. There is a very good reason for this.
Hillary is 100% Globalist and she wants to take down the US government from within and turn it over to the Globalist One World Government. She fully supports the European Union and its corporate run government made up of "a bunch of unelected old men in Brussels" as Nigel Farage told those attending a Trump Rally in Mississippi. The American Establishment has been in the process of doing the same here for about the last 30 years, this One World Government begins with trade agreements that end up being so much more. These agreements are not only about trade but soon create a government unto itself, with its own monetary system, courts, regulations, laws, police and military. Those in charge are non elected individuals from the corporate world and they assume dictatorial powers. That is what the EU is and the reason Nigel Farage fought for the past 20 plus years to get the UK out. His movement is for national independence from the Globalist form of government.
Like any empire, the Globalists have been on the move east in Europe, gaining control of country after country, this is the true nature of the problems in Ukraine. Whatever the resources that a nation controls the Globalist want control. Through trade and regulations they soon make all decisions within these countries. You must do as the EU Council says and there is no independent thought or trade allowed. This is what has Putin upset as he and others can no longer trade with just Ukraine, Germany or others, he has to work out agreements with the entire EU that is run by those unelected members of the EU Council.
From NAFTA through to the TPP our government has been handing over control to the Globalists and therefore taking your options out of play. It is why voting has become useless whether you pick Democrat or Republican since both Party's had relinquished control over to the Globalist agenda years ago. That is why this years election is so important, as Donald Trump is representing a movement away from Globalist control and returning it to the American people. Just as Nigel Farage has done in the UK with Brexit. Does this make Putin happy? You can bet on it, as he is fully aware of the empire of world domination that the Globalists are pushing. We in the US had heard of the NWO but never understood its real meaning or who was leading it. The Mainstream Media has hidden it while doing propaganda for it. Our own political parties have been selling us out while claiming the opposite.
Is Putin a threat to world peace? Not at all, is Globalism a threat to world peace? Yes as it is they who want world domination not Russia despite the propaganda saying otherwise. The Globalist political pawns such as Hillary Clinton, Merkle of Germany, Hollande of France all share the same world view and it has nothing to do with freedom or true democracy. It has to do with One Government, One Religion and One World. This means that there will be no middle class as there is only two, the rulers and those being ruled, the rich and the poor. This is the Globalists agenda and that means that all who wish to retain their individual cultures, values and principles are their enemies. Putin, Trump and Farage to name a few. These 3 men have stood up to the Globalists and threatened their ability to take over the world quietly.
This explains the Globalist attacks on these men who only want the people of the world to decide for themselves what type of government they want, not be forced into one that claims to be something its not. Unlike Hillary's claim that these men are involved in some conspiracy against the people, they in fact are exposing the real conspiracy that has been going on for years. That being the One World Government that is ruled by unelected individuals from the worlds Elite class who will rule by decree, without your ability to have any say in the matter. You will be totally controlled with no freedom to make the most minor of choices in your life. Globalists don't believe in borders since its all one, there will be a new culture, new values and new principles once the old ones have been destroyed. This is why ISIS was created to be the insurrection wing of the Globalists to tighten control over the population. Manufactured chaos to give the government reason to eliminate your freedom by claiming it will make you safer.
Sorry Hillary, there is no Conspiracy in play by these men. They don't want war or take my freedoms away. It is you Hillary and your Establishment Globalists who are involved in the Conspiracy. It is you who like Merkle, Hollande and others that are the Conspirators against all of the people of the world.
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