Hillary Clinton tries to put blame for her use of private servers while Secretary of State on former Secretary of State Colin Powell. The facts of course don't match as Powell told her specifically to use State Department server for SD business and private server for personal as he had done. The heavily redacted documents that the FBI released to Congress confirms that Clinton and Powell had an email exchange on this question. Clinton was already using the private servers by this point. Seems odd to ask the question after already setting up and using the private server. And why she would claim that Powell's answer justified her use of the private server for State Department business? These documents have not been released to MSM yet, but I think the bigger question is who else did Clinton communicate with on the private servers in regards to State Department business? Did she and anyone in the White House discuss Top Secret information during this period on her private servers?
Meanwhile on the golf course, President Obama avoids sand traps and water hazards with his drives but unfortunately for the people of Louisiana he also avoids their water hazard. After record rains left many homeless and without food and drinking water Obama chose to golf instead of doing his job as President and going to Louisiana and showing support for the thousands of victims.
These two top Democrats have just done what they both have always done in the same types of situations. Clinton lies and blames someone else and Obama looks the other way while he perfects his golf game. This lack of leadership has been the main reason that so many situations and crises have gone left unattended and therefore unresolved. MSM does nothing to help expose this problem as they are too busy creating false stories to distract the public from the truth.
Photo: mirror.co.uk
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