Friday, August 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Days In Politics Are Over, Time To Make It Happen

The closer we get to November the 8th the more obvious it is becoming that the Clinton Crime Family's days of ruining the country are over. Too many lies, too many crimes, too many times caught on the wrong side of reality. Hillary just called the majority of American voters racists and conspiracy theorists, talk about being out of touch with reality. Whoever advised her on her Alt-Right speech sure has a good sense of humour. President Obama fell out of his golf cart with laughter while listening to Hillary claim everything is a bed of roses for those stuck in the never ending cycle of poverty. She denounced Donald Trump for talking openly and honestly about the plight of African Americans and Latinos who live in the poorest of communities in the inner cities and fear for their lives and the lives of their children. How dare Trump tell the truth about the schools that don't teach children but simply warehouse them until they hit the streets and find nothing is there for them. How dare Trump tell of the lack of jobs or the fact that crime rates are increasing. How dare anyone speak the truth.

Hillary Clinton has made her final mistake, she has proven that she is out of touch with reality as she who has the record to prove that she could care less about anyone but her wealthy friends, foreign and domestic who give millions to her campaign and her foundation. She again has proven that she can't attract the support of 10's of thousands to hear her speak, with those who do attend not even knowing when they are to cheer. During her Alt Right speech she brought up the wall Donald Trump has spoken of and when she said "you know who is going to pay for it? the American taxpayer is", there was dead silence in the room, as this was supposed to receive a loud response, it got nothing.

MSM is doing their best to cover up all the lies and crimes that surrounds Clinton, they don't mention her emails or answer the question as to how someone like Huma Abedin whose entire family has connections with the Muslim Brotherhood including herself, could be allowed so close to sensitive US government documents that most members of congress aren't allowed to even see? MSM does seem to brag about all the fundraising Hillary does, as if she is winning the election because Wall Streeters give her so many millions. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Hillary claim to be against Wall Street? I'm confused, so you say you are against these super rich and they will give you money? Okay I'm against them, where is the money? The people who suffer from poverty are against them, where is the money? Oh I get it, its all a huge lie just to get the poor to vote for Hillary, she's not really against Wall Street, Big Banks or the wealthy entertainers she has private fundraisers with. Those are actually who she is running for.

Can't wait for the debates and watch Trump crush Hillary, wonder if Vegas has odds on Hillary going nuts on stage as Trump brings up all of the crimes, lies and deceptions? I hope he mentions Vince Foster, by the way all the files on this mans "suicide" seem to have disappeared, wonder if these files are with President Kennedy's brain that also was lost to history. Can we finally see just how evil and corrupt Washington is? We of the Alt Right as Hillary calls us are just plain fed up with it all. Since we are all now called racists, I wonder if that includes Dr. Ben Carson, Sheriff David Clarke or Pastor Rick Burns to name a few who Hillary claims are White Supremacists.

Fact is Hillary will allow more poor to stream over the border to the south, she promises to bring more Muslims from the areas she helped start wars in. She will pass the TPP and hand our country over to the Globalists, she will do nothing to change things for those living in poverty, she won't fix our failed educational system, she will create more poverty by raising taxes even higher, she will find another war to fight just because she loves war and the death and destruction it causes. She will continue to destroy our American culture and values, she will continue to eliminate our constitution, no more gun ownership and no more freedom of speech, she will continue to enrich herself and sadly she will do it all with the laughter of evil as she relishes in the Hell she creates. Good bye Hillary you are finished.


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