Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hilary Clinton's Supporters Lack Enthusiasm As She Calls Trump Racist

This is becoming sad, as it is so obvious that Hillary has nothing but outright lies and distortions to use against Trump. She gave her altright speech in Reno Nevada for almost 20 minutes about how Donald Trump and his supporters are all racists and conspiracy theorists. Calling out Alex Jones of Infowars, It was very noticeable that she kept one hand holding onto the podium for the majority of this low energy speech. If you look back at past speeches even in this election cycle she rarely held onto anything while she spoke like this, almost continuously.

She denied there is a health problem, she claimed Trump is connected to the KKK and she denied that our inner cities and that African Americans are having both economic and social problems. Saying that since Trump speaks of the issue he is insensitive and racist. Donald Trump forgets that according to the Democrats there is absolutely nothing wrong in the African American community. After all a quick look at the situation tells you that the conditions are exactly what the Democrats wanted from day one.

Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law a series of Federal anti poverty programs known as The Great Society. Upon completion he was quoted as saying " This will have these N#&gets voting Democrat for the next 200 years." Statistics show that after 50 years and trillions of dollars these programs have failed, poverty is worse today for Black,White and Latino communities than in 1965. Hillary's husband Bill golfed on White only courses while Governor of Arkansas, during his tenure, Arkansas didn't enact one piece of civil right legislation. Bill and Hillary were also very close to Democratic Arkansas US Senator J. William Fulbright, a signer of the Southern Manifesto that gave southern states the right to keep populations segregated by race. The J. William Fulbright Fellowship is now known as the J. William Fulbright - Hillary Rodham Clinton Fellowship. Bill also had Al Gore whose father was a Democratic US Senator who also was a known racist and segregationist, as his VP. They used a Confederate flag as their campaign symbol in 1992. And just 6 years ago Hillary Clinton eulogized Democrat US Senator from West Virginia Robert Byrd, calling him her "friend and mentor" who was the "heart and soul of America." Byrd was a top Klansman and recruiter for the KKK for decades and even while a Senator.

Who are the real racists here? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? The record proves it is Clinton hands down. The Democrats have a long history of being racists, the KKK was started by the Democrats. LBJ's Great Society was in fact a plan to keep African Americans in poverty as the saying is "once you get into the program it is almost impossible to get out." These lies that Hillary continues to spew just don't hold water any more. She is ill and it is obvious to see but just read the emails that have been released. She allowed 4 Americans to die in Benghazi by refusing to send help despite the multiple requests, she knowingly allowed US secrets to be hacked, even continued to use unsecured servers after she knew they were hacked already, she and Bill with daughter Chelsea ran a Pay for Play operation with their Foundation while she was Secretary of State, she didn't even win her Party's nomination fairly as they instructed their insiders to rig the process, Its all in the emails.

Just think of being this women, she knows for a fact that Trump is trouncing her in reality, she knows that people don't like her, she knows that the only way she can win is by stealing the election and she knows that in truth she, Bill and even Chelsea all belong behind bars due to a list of crimes that would take a book the size of War and Peace to cover. Bill and Hillary Clinton are the worlds most corrupt couple ever in history, nobody comes to a close second. You name the crime and they have done it.

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