Monday, April 10, 2017

Who Is In Charge Of American Foreign Policy President Trump Or The Deep State?


One thing is certain; President Trump has shown the world that he knows how to keep his enemies and possibly allies on their heels. Those who have known him for decades will acknowledge his ability to take the upper hand in any situation. He is a fighter that uses the negatives as well as his positives to attain a winning result. As the great Heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali would back into the ropes feigning defeat, Trump, as Ali, suddenly explodes with a left-right combination knocking out his enemies. Leaving the crowd stunned, as even Ali's corner men were certain that Ali was heading for defeat.


The Trump style has always been brash, off the cuff, some can rightly say seemingly unhinged. Yet time and again this method of madness has worked for him since his early years in real estate development. Despite his father’s own warnings, the young Donald Trump ventured into the risky Manhattan New York re-development of the time. Despite his father not believing that it was a sound idea, he loaned his son one million dollars to either succeed or fail. The older Mr. Trump actually thought it would fail, yet Donald not only proved his father wrong, Donald proved many others wrong also. The ability to beat the odds, going against the grain became the Donald Trump way.


As time moved on, his endeavors were meet with both success and failure; Trump however, remained in the limelight. He dabbled in everything from real estate to bottled water, businessman to celebrity. Nothing and no one could stop this drive to succeed. He rubbed elbows with others that were striving for or had success. He donated to whatever politician’s campaign that he felt would do the right thing at the time. Democrats and Republicans alike, Trump always followed the greener pastures. He never had time to join the secret societies or clicks as his own desire of doing it on his own wouldn't allow himself to be controlled by anyone.


We all have seen what happened during the 2016 election. Trump beat the odds, he picked off his opponent's one by one by blurting out random statements about each that seemed off the wall yet were calculated to bring his opponents negatives to the forefront. He said what the American voter knew or believed. He said our elections were rigged and he proved it. He called out the Clinton's for who they really were. He called out the Mainstream Media for whom and what they really are. Trump woke up millions of Americans as to what, who and where we were headed as a nation and society. Trump reinvigorated the Silent Majority who most believed had disappeared since President Nixon had done the same in 1968.


Unlike Trump, Nixon had been a politician and ex Vice President. Nixon was a protégé of the infamous Prescott Bush who had been involved in the backing of NAZI Germany, father to GHW Bush and grandfather to GW Bush and a Globalist. Nixon was an outsider of the Elite and played his role and owed the Elite/Globalist his success in politics. Like Trump he knew who they were and despite doing their bidding he too became disgruntled and knew he couldn't trust them. President Nixon feared the Globalists and was well aware also of their plans for America and the world. He trusted nobody and ended up being forced to resign after the setup of Watergate.


Here we are in early April of 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States. He ran on exposure of all the Globalist tyranny. The silent majority has arisen again and defeated the Globalists. The President promised to drain the swamp, give America back to the people. The lies were to stop, freedom would be restored and America would be great again. Is this not what we were to believe? No more false flags, no more lies, no more regime changes. Sovereignty and America First wasn't that what we were told? The Republic and Constitution was to be restored.


Something went wrong, and very quickly, as we are seeing the Trump Administration suddenly flip to the Globalist agenda. Is Trump not aware that his base knows that Assad of Syria did not use chemical weapons on his own people? Does the President not realize that those who elected him are awake and can see through the lies we have heard for years? Has Trump like Obama promised change only to continue the evil? Are we just being fooled again into the Globalist lies?


There is anger within the Trump base. At least half of us have many questions as to why the President is continuing the Globalist policies of Obama, Bush and Clinton. Most of us are awake and know the truth. Why lose us just to appease those establishment Democrats and Republicans? Is John McCain or Nancy Pelosi worth more than we are? There are hundreds of questions that need to be answered. Exactly who are we enemies with and what result is seen with all of this?


Some are suggesting that President Trump is allowing those of the establishment Globalist agenda to run our foreign policy. There are others who suggest that in reality the President was secretly with them the whole time. And of course there are even those who believe that the establishment Globalist or Deep State have pulled off a coup within the White House.


Where the truth is remains unclear at this time. What is known is that many within the administration have Globalist backgrounds. National Security Advisor Lt. General H.R. McMaster has strong ties to those of Globalist ideology. Serving under Bilderberg attendee Gen. Petraeus and said to still be under his former commanders influence, McMaster is said to have given President Trump altered intelligence data on the Syrian situation. Independent reports suggest that the truth is that Assad's air force actually bombed a weapons depot that contained the Chemical Weapons. So in reality they did not use chemical weapons. It has long been known that ISIS and their allied groups have used Chemical Weapons on multiple occasions and blamed Assad for it.


The Russian and American Military have worked together for some time in Syria and there is a claim that Syrian President Assad had agreed to transition out of power once the ISIS rebel groups were eliminated. Recent reports have circulated that Assad has let it be known that he has decided to remain in power despite the agreement. Again what is truth and what is fiction is impossible to discern. Most Americans hadn't known that Russia and the US have been sharing intelligence and working together.


Since President Trump took office there has been a US Military buildup in Northeast Iraq and Southwest Syria. Mostly Special Forces that have been pushing the ISIS main forces into a pocket on the Iraqi and Syrian shared border. Some describe this as a pincer maneuver that will accelerate their elimination. However there remains several Syrian rebel groups still throughout Syria and along the Turkish/Syrian border. This Syrian Civil War was started by the Obama administration in conjunction with Arab Spring in 2013.


What is happening today in Syria is also connected to the Bush administrations invasion and overthrow of Iraqi Strongman Saddam Hussein. Both Arab Spring and the Iraqi war are in reality pieces to the Globalist New World Order Agenda. Destabilization of the Middle East and Northern Africa was in fact a piece of a much larger puzzle that included the immigration crisis we see in Europe today. Unless you understand this you can't understand what is really going on. The Globalists who control Europe and our own political establishment have allied with the Saudis and Gulf States to push Wahhabism as the One World Religion to complement the One World Government. This is the strictest form of Islam. Since the Globalist's agenda also includes a world of free Elites and everyone else being slaves the use of this radical form of Islam works well as a catalyst to create chaos within the free cultures of the west; allowing the Globalists to eliminate freedoms under the cloak of protecting the entire people. We have experienced this in the US after the false flag of 9/11 with the Patriot Act. We also had President Obama signing Executive Orders that has allowed the Federal Government to easily implement Martial Law when that decision is made.


We can only sit and wonder if President Trump is in reality a Globalist or if the Globalists have infiltrated his administration so heavily that they have taken control. Unfortunately only time will answer this question. We are only the people who entrust our government and the politicians to do what is right. The problem is that if we use our past experience as the scale, it is not looking very good at all.

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