What started as a local hunt for murder suspect Steve Stephens of Cleveland Ohio became a larger story about Press freedom. Known as the Facebook Killer Stephens apparently uploaded a video of himself killing a random victim. Robert Godwin Sr.74, who was gunned down Easter Sunday in front of his home at Carr Ave. and 93rd street for reasons not yet understood. Stephens 37 uploaded a video of the encounter to his Social Media site on Facebook shortly after Mr. Godwin was killed. Stephens also claimed to have killed 14 others in another video. So far this claim remains unconfirmed.
Stephens is reportedly driving a 2016 White Ford Fusion with a temporary tag number E363630, despite all Ford motor vehicle's having a GPS tracker installed, Cleveland Police, Ohio State Troopers and the FBI have failed to locate the vehicle. Ford's global vice president for marketing and sales, Jim Farley was quoted in a CNBC article from January 9, 2014 " everyone who breaks the law, we know when your doing it. We have GPS in your car, so we know what your doing." Add the fact that Stephens had his cell phone with him at the time of the crime and at least for a couple hours after. The question arises, why can't law enforcement find him?
An independent journalist who lives in North Central Ohio, known on YouTube as Brian iCitizenNews headed into Cleveland to bring his viewers the story as it was happening. Live Streaming, Brian drove around the East side of Cleveland hoping to bring the suspects capture live to viewers. He also reported what MSM and the Cleveland Police were saying. As Brian drove toward the location of the murder to see if he could interview possible witnesses he was pulled over by a group of five police cars and ten officers.
Brian who has a Ohio Carry and Conceal permit notified the officer immediately that he was armed. The officer's first words were "are you with the press?", Brian's vehicle displays placards that read Press. Once leaving the vehicle his gun was secured and he was told that the Cleveland Police Department was notified by the Los Angeles California Police Department who had called and said Brian appeared to be a vigilante. This is disturbing in many ways as we must ask several questions. Why was LAPD watching a YouTube video about a story developing in Cleveland Ohio? Why did the CPD respond with 5 cars and 10 officers to pull over a independent journalist? How did the CPD find Brian so quickly when the murder suspect seems to have vanished? And the most disturbing of all is why was Brian ordered to cease and desist and to leave the city of Cleveland? It must also be noted that Brian was wearing a Punisher T-shirt at the time and this was mentioned twice by officers while communicating to dispatch. This T-shirt is associated with US military special forces.
Almost 24 hours later we have a murder suspect on the loose and despite the Ford Motor Company claims that the vehicle the suspect is driving has a GPS that they can access. Reports that the suspect continues to carry his cellphone and had used it for at least a couple hours after the crime. Law enforcement apparently has no idea where Steve Stephens or the vehicle is. On the other hand an independent journalist investigating the story is found without a problem and officers are diverted from the manhunt for a killer to intercept the journalist and run him out of town.
There are many questions and as of yet no answers to this situation. MSM and CPD along with the FBI are controlling the whole story. Why did they fear an independent journalist investigating? Are they hiding something? Do we even get the chance to find the truth?
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