Sunday, November 8, 2020

There May Be No Hope

If this is what Democracy looks like then we better think twice. Nobody has been called as recounts and legal court challenges continue. The MSM does not have the power to call elections. Basically it ain't over until it's over. With Biden jumping the gun it shows how the Democrats ignore the law at will. The fact that Biden appears to have received more votes than Obama had by millions should make you pause. Really ask yourself how that could be possible? You know that it couldn't. 
Our Democracy has been run in the back rooms for years. The last few has seen conservative voices silenced by censorship on the major social media platforms and internet search engines. And yet Democrats never stand up for the First Amendment as they want our voices silenced. They promote it.
MSM which is owned and operated by major international corporations who use their platform to fill your minds with propaganda and untruths go unchecked as fact checkers who are all on the political left back the falsehoods when questioned. 
Over 70 million people voted for Trump by their numbers, are being called and have been called unjustified names even by Biden himself, Clinton did the same. Millions of Americans actually believe that the KKK is right wing, that the Proud Boys are White Supremacists despite being mostly Hispanic and Black. MSM never tells you that part. 
It is 1984 and the Sheep are walking right into it and dragging the rest of us with them. Before Trump both political parties had been complicit. That's why so many Republicans were against him when he ran in 2016. I'm truly saddened by this as my country is heading further down a path of no return. 

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