Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 The Day The United States Was Given To The Globalist Bankers

On December 23, 1913 President Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act, in reality the president handed our sovereignty as free people to those we know today as the Globalists. There is a famous quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild " Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" that he did not say, though this saying fits perfectly in truth. The Federal Reserve Act was not born in the halls of congress. It was a plot devised by then Senator Nelson W. Aldrich who chaired the US Senate Finance Committee and whose daughter Abby was married to John D. Rockefeller Jr. Aldrich's son Winthrop became president of Chase National Bank. Grandson Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller served as Governor of New York and Vice President under Gerald Ford. Great grandson John D. Rockefeller IV is a long serving US Senator from West Virginia.

Others who attended what was called a duck hunting trip on Jekyll Island, Georgia for 10 days in November of 1910 A. Piatt Andrew the son of a banker who held a PhD from Harvard and former director of the US Mint was appointed by then President Taft as assistant secretary of the Treasury Department. Frank Vanderlip who was formally assistant secretary of Treasury himself and at the time of this meeting he was President of the National City Bank, known today as Citi Bank. Paul Warburg a German citizen at the time of this meeting( he would attain US citizenship the following year, 1911). Warburg was also director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) from 1921-32. Warburg was a member of the German banking Warburg family. Henry Davison a partner at JP Morgan and close associate of Aldrich was the final player in the big banking takeover of the US.

These five men (The Gang of Five) who were directly or indirectly members of Americas Elite class, Warburg was both American and European Elite. Aldrich and Davison had gone to Europe prior to the Jekyll Island meeting to meet with European Bankers and Central Bankers, namely the Rothschilds. After these meetings the plans were in hand, however this plan was going to be a hard sell in congress. It took 3 years for Aldrich and others in congress to get the Federal Reserve Act onto President Woodrow Wilson's desk to be signed into law. It has been said that President Wilson regretted his involvement in signing this Act. He was well aware of what it really was and what it meant to America's future. The Global Elite would forever be in control of not only Europe but the United States as well.

Aldrich and his gang of five sold the creation of a privately controlled central banking system as a way to avoid another financial crisis like the Panic of 1907. A year when the Stock Market fell 50% and caused a run on banks that could not cover their deposits. Many banks went into bankruptcy. JP Morgan got together with other large Bankers and devised a plan to end the panic by using their own wealth to shore up the difference between what the deposit ledgers said and what was actually in the banks possession. (I am purposely avoiding banking terminology so that I can explain this better.)

Banking is in all sense of the word a scam. Devised by the rich to take your money. Basically you give your money to the bank, they in turn loan your money to those they deem the most able to pay it back with interest. These are generally those who don't need the money in reality. Our system today is built on debt. The banks are involved in almost every transaction you make. Those credit cards and debit cards you use today are only ways of the banks to become involved in every purchase you make. Your groceries, gas for your car? If you used that convenient piece of plastic, the bank made a percentage on the sale that varies between 2.5% to 8.5%. You buy a house? Well you will pay the bank around 250-300% more than the price was as the interest over 20-30 years. A car, refrigerator or that trip to Disney World, all profited by the banker.

Once created the Federal Reserve or Fed took over the banking regulatory duties from the US government. Basically a private business that regulates itself. The fed has never been audited in its 104 year history. It controls the economy by interest rate adjustments of lowering the cost of loans to stimulate and raising the interest rates in order to slow the economy. Various situations influence national economies, from the mid 1700's to about 1860's agriculture was 2nd only to war. With the Industrial Revolution came different and more complex banking. GDP and employment were factored in. Recessions were always in play as any one miss step man made or otherwise could cause panic and restrict the availability of money. Aldrich and his gang of five had claimed that by creating a privately owned and operated central bank (Fed) these impacts could be better handled.

The Great Depression of 1929-39 cause has been debated since it happened. The Stock Market crashed as investors suddenly began a sell off of their assets. Production fell and unemployment rose into the millions. Smaller banks were again forced out of business as they ran out of money. The Fed tightened the availability of money and in many ways stood down as the country and world came to a standstill. Many today mistakenly believe that FDR brought us out of this depression with the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act of 1933 that created the Works Progress Administration (WPA) one of many such programs where the government not private industry borrowed from the Fed. The Social Security Act of 1935 was another government program devised to create a trust fund for old age and disabled Americans. This money collected from employee and employer equally is held by the private Fed bankers. Remember the Fed has never been audited.

Once war broke out in Europe and Asia the central banks of Europe and our Fed loaned massive amounts of money to all sides of the conflict. Something banks have done since they began. War is the most profitable way that banks can make money. Economies grow quickly as war materials are sought. From resources to boots industrial production grows. The Bankers become the most powerful men and women throughout the capitals of the world. In essence they already are under the Centralized Banking System. The Great Depression ended due to World War II, not because of government intervention in the economy. Every aspect of life is controlled by Bankers and these are the true rulers behind the curtain. They are the Wizards of OZ manipulating every move that governments make.

Centralized banking as with the creation of our Fed has been linked worldwide since its beginning as these Bankers would communicate often and attempt to make decisions together. The creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in July of 1944 was when Bankers began the process of uniting formally as one coherent entity. The goal of course is a One World Banking System controlled by these private bankers who have control of the worlds economy. It is not too difficult to figure out the ultimate goal here. One Banking System, One Economy, One Currency, One World Globalist Government. Or the New World Order.

All paths lead back to Germany and the Jewish Bankers of the Rothschild's family. It would take a book to explain the connections between the Elites of Europe and those within America. Most all run back through marriage or business partnerships to the Rothschilds and other European Elite. Many Jewish people in Europe changed their names so as to go undetected as throughout history the Jews of Europe were targeted. Paul Warburg one of Aldrich's gang of five was of Germanic Jewish decent. Otto Warburg was President of the World Zionist Organisation from 1911-1921. The Rothschild's have control or influence over almost every Central Bank world wide. The Bank of England is the Rothschild's main bank and where the worlds economy is run from. Despite the belief that governments run nations it is the Bankers and Industrialists that really rule.

When you realize that Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan did not have Central Private Banks you may understand the real reason they were targeted. Only three countries today do not have privately held central banks. North Korea, Iran and Cuba. All three are targeted for overthrow of their regimes either today or in the near future. Two are Communist Dictatorships and Iran is an Islamic Republic but Shiite Muslim not Sunni who dominate the Muslim religion. Once you understand that the Fed runs the United States and not the government you will realize that you are nothing more than slaves.   Your money isn't even real its not worth the paper its printed on. The plastic RFID chipped plastic cards are just their way of making you believe in their fairy tale about the Land of Oz.


  1. Last paragraph, I think you mean it's not "worth" the paper...
    Nice job, too bad we can't seem to get out of it.

  2. The bank operates much like the concept in representative government. We the sovereign loan our trust to a representative in congress to look to our interest, exclusively. The banks originally were entrusted with an individual's gold that he had earned by his own labor. His wealth was entrusted to the banker for collective safe keeping. Bankers began to loan out the gold (Specie) or gold cirtificates at interest.
    I think the point here is 1. Bankers have a supposed trust when they store your earned labor in the form of gold, silver, or paper cirtificates representing gold. 2. Bankers take that trust and turn it into their own interest, exclusively. 3. Thus they have stolen your labor. 4. Your labor represents you as a person who owns himself and is only subject to God. God has given the person Liberty to do what is right in laboring with his own hands that he might provide for others and himself. The laborer is right and has the right because he is doing right by God's standard. 5. The banker comes along and turns this system of right and labor upside down when your wealth from your labor is exchanged for a dollar that is worth only the paper and ink it took to make it. 6. The banker in doing this is actually a stand in for God in the sence that the banker takes your labor- rightly related to God and His standard way of economic doing right and appropriates them to himself. 6. Banker's paper fiat money with debt and the control over the economy is a purely communist control system--Keynesian economic system. Expanding and collapsing the money supply is not a Capitalist conception. History--Capitalism in America was the fruit and the result of the implementation or the unleashing of the Constitution. 7. The last hundred years have been an experiment, not in self-government, but, it has been an experiment in going into totalitarian Communism to compliment the communist central banking economic system.
    Mr. Moses you are correct to say we have not been in charge of our economy and congressional processes for 100 years. Yet Americans think that they are free.
    President Trump represents an opportunity to return to printing our own money as the Federal Reserve's system is about to collapse by their own hands. They have bought up many assets in America with their fiat currency. The Congress is in on everything. They are simply looting the American people as they bring down the economic house-- Obamacare and Ryancare.
    The war in North Korea is being provoked to take more stored wealth and to bring that nation into the central banking system and to use the war or President Trump as a scapegoat for the failure of their communist money system. I am not sure if the war will be nuclear. The neoconservatives are not well in their mind. No communist or National Socialist is right in their mind.
    The new economic system will be digital imposing money control over every individual and over every household. That digital system will not be collapsed but will be the foundation of every individual on earth being chipped. Absolute control over the body and mind of man is their end game-- slavery of both the body and the mind. Any one receiving this chip will never see Heaven. They are creating the unredeemable man.
    Thank you Mr. Moses for your wealth of knowledge. You need to be out and front in the Independant Media. It is hard to kick agaisnt the mind of those who can not see the Money Changers as the enemy of man and of God.
