Sunday, November 8, 2020

There May Be No Hope

If this is what Democracy looks like then we better think twice. Nobody has been called as recounts and legal court challenges continue. The MSM does not have the power to call elections. Basically it ain't over until it's over. With Biden jumping the gun it shows how the Democrats ignore the law at will. The fact that Biden appears to have received more votes than Obama had by millions should make you pause. Really ask yourself how that could be possible? You know that it couldn't. 
Our Democracy has been run in the back rooms for years. The last few has seen conservative voices silenced by censorship on the major social media platforms and internet search engines. And yet Democrats never stand up for the First Amendment as they want our voices silenced. They promote it.
MSM which is owned and operated by major international corporations who use their platform to fill your minds with propaganda and untruths go unchecked as fact checkers who are all on the political left back the falsehoods when questioned. 
Over 70 million people voted for Trump by their numbers, are being called and have been called unjustified names even by Biden himself, Clinton did the same. Millions of Americans actually believe that the KKK is right wing, that the Proud Boys are White Supremacists despite being mostly Hispanic and Black. MSM never tells you that part. 
It is 1984 and the Sheep are walking right into it and dragging the rest of us with them. Before Trump both political parties had been complicit. That's why so many Republicans were against him when he ran in 2016. I'm truly saddened by this as my country is heading further down a path of no return. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Rayshard Brooks Made All the Wrong Decisions

Again, another man who decides to resist arrest for an obvious crime made the decision that ultimately caused him to lose his life. The Media will use this as part of their narrative that the Police are hunting down Black Americans and killing them for no cause other than racism. After all they want you to believe that all White people are racists. Yet this case shows that the officers in question were only responding to a 911 call and followed procedure. 
The body cam shows that the officers followed procedure and did nothing to cause this situation. The original contact was not confrontational at all. The officer responded to a call of a man sleeping in a car at a Wendy's drive thru. After several attempts to awaken Rayshard up. The officer allowed him to move the car out of the way. This caused more concern as Rayshard hit the curb. The officer then ran the plate as is procedure and found the vehicle was a rental, he then approached Rayshard again and this is when it became obvious that Rayshard was having extreme difficulties as he couldn't find his Driver's License. After giving his name and date of birth the officer ran it, again procedure and called for a DUI officer. 
As you saw in the video, there are computers in the squad cars. With the name and date of birth the officer gets entire criminal history and any warrant, probation or parole situations. Again this is all procedure, Nothing the officer did was wrong, he followed procedure to a tee. Once the DUI officer arrived is when it becomes obvious to the officers that Rayshard was most likely intoxicated and already knowing he was on probation he was in violation of two crimes. 
In reality it seemed as if the officers were attempting to give Rayshard every chance to not be charged. Unfortunately Rayshard couldn't keep his story straight and wasn't even sure where he was. Once the officers began to place him under arrest is when Rayshard began to make every mistake that not only put the officer's lives at risk but his own. He resisted and fought both then took a taser and ran. His final mistake was turning back and pointing the taser at the officers while he ran.
Ultimately Rayshard was at fault for this entire situation. He made all the wrong decisions and caused his own death. However, the Media is somehow blaming the officers for Rayshards decisions and even the Politcians and Prosecutor are using Rayshards wrong decisions and have charged the officer with murder for doing his job and following procedure. 
This whole case is being used as part of the narrative by the media and left that we need to give the criminal a break. Let me ask this. What if these officers had just allowed Rayshard to drive off possibly causing a wreck and killing someone? What if Rayshard had just done what anyone knows is the right decision and not resisted his arrest? After all he would be alive today and just maybe learned from his own wrong decisions. 
You may disagree with me, but that's just you promoting this crazy narrative that breaking the law is okay and fighting a police officer is okay just because you believe that they are racists. 

Friday, April 24, 2020



Sadly, many fail to understand the true nature of those who promote Globalism. The idea is promoted through lies and promises that sound good, when in fact they are just ways to control the masses. Depopulation is and has been a primary goal as greed and evil drives those at the top of the pyramid. They believe that everything belongs to them and that the populations of the world are wasting their resources. Consumers are a threat to the goal of having unlimited resources for them and their future generations. Since the beginning of time, man has had rulers who lead tribes, cultures, Nations or continents. 
Pharos, Emperors, Kings, Queens and Chiefs are some the titles we know them by throughout history. Great Empires and Civilizations have come and gone over the Centuries. Either by war or self destruction we have a long history of changes that got us to the point we are at today. Money and resources began to play a larger role overtime as those who had the most of both began to take more control. These people we know today as Bankers, they were able to take control by lending money to both sides of the conflicts over the past three centuries. This of course was a no lose situation as repayment often became impossible. This led to resources being accepted as payment. 
With industrial and technological advances becoming an ever increasing new sphere beyond precious metals and minerals. These Bankers were always there to financially back these advances and therefore they had the true control they desired. From the late 1800's up to today, these Elite of the Elite began to run the world from the safety of being behind the curtain. They decided who had  the illusion of power throughout the world. If you didn't follow the rules or weren't fulfilling the desires of these Elite, you would be exchanged by someone else who would. 
War is one of the Elites greatest tools in today's world. It serves many purposes, technology advancements are always gained at these times as well as more debt being added as well as a tool for population control as millions of people die. It's always a win win situation for those who sit behind the curtain pulling all of the strings. 
World War II became a pivitol moment that has influenced everything we see today. The world was divided up between the Victor's. The Soviet Union gained Eastern Europe and became the number two Super Power behind the new number one the US. The United Kingdom and France who still had many parts of their past Empires still under control rounded out the 3&4 positions on the world stage. 
In the US a very powerful agency was formed to ensure that the US could manipulate the situations going on throughout the world to counteract the Soviet KGB. Acting as the Elite had already learned to do, they worked from behind a curtain to pull the strings of their puppets. The CIA was the creation of the Elitist to help them keep control on the world stage. Unfortunately it didn't take long for them to inflintrat all branches of the US government too. The secret societies on University campuses were now recruitment centers for them. Their influence has become legendary as the media would soon become their propaganda machine in time.
We all remember the Vietnam War, Americans were told that the North Vietnamese attacked the US Navy in the Gulf of Tonkin, and this lead to American boots hitting the ground to fight in a war that had no real purpose. This became a common accurence for US wars to come. 
Universities were also inflintrated and soon leftist propaganda became the main goal. In the 1970's the US Department of Education was created to unify the leftist Education throughout. One thing the Elite had learned was that free people were a danger to their control. They needed Socialism/Communism authoritarian form of government to achieve their goals. JFK, MLK Jr. Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X were all threats to their plans. All were eliminated during the turbulent 1960's. 
We must remember what President Eisenhower warned us about, what JFK warned us about and today what Donald Trump is warning us about. Globalism and those behind the curtain are the enemies of a free people. China is run under a communist regime that once killed an estimated 50 million people who wouldn't submit. Even today the people of China have little freedom at all. Yet, many in the west claim that China is the model of the future politically. Once Trump pulled off his surprise victory, the Globalist's looked to XI to take the post held by US Presidents since WWII. 
Under the Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama administration's the United States was being robbed of it's economy and freedom's. It was involved in wars to upset the balance in the Middleast and North Africa. ISIS was financed and trained by Western intelligence agencies to replace Al Qeada whose leader Osama Bin Laden had died shortly after 911. They needed to create chaos in the west as even the loyal European Union would be targeted. Trump in the US and others in Europe had begun to seek nationalism and move away from the Globalist agenda. 
During the Obama years the the US was moving toward an authoritarian leftist police state, thanks in part to Bush who created the Patriot Act. Not to ensure freedom, but to take it from you. Obama pushed for Chaos within as he fostered revolt against the real rule of law, he ignored the Constitution completely. 
Vaccines were becoming mandatory, infant mortality rose, life expectancy declined. America was nolonger looked up to but hated after decades of wars that brought nothing but death and destruction throughout the world. During the 2016 election, the Obama White House used illegal survaliance of the Trump Campaign, a truly treasonous act. Accusations flew that Putin of Russia was in control of Trump. Nevermind the fact that Obama allowed Russia to have control of 30% of US uranium. Once Hillary lost the most openly rigged election in US history. The Globalist controlled media and Globalist controlled federal government did everything possible to remove Trump from office. 
From 2017 to today they have attempted every avenue possible. Nothing was working, the economy booked, unemployment fell, America was back. Then suddenly a virus out of what was to be a level 4 ( the most secure ) lab in Wuhan China allowed a now transferable Bat virus to begin infecting humans. Wuhan being the central transportation hub in China and the world allowed it to spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization downplayed this threat as it was instructed to do. The heads of the National Institute of Health and CDC all were in lockstep with WHO, China and the Globalist's. 
President Trump made a decision that was not in line with these ( experts ) in health. He shut down travel between China and the US. This move of course was called racist in nature, as the Globalist Media and Democrats attacked. Realizing what was happening and after watching the numbers Trump call for the States to lockdown, bringing a quick shutdown of the greatest economic boom ever witnessed in history. In case you haven't noticed Trump is against war, he doesn't want the blood of millions on his hands. 
The Globalist's with the help of their new master puppet Xi of China could care less. Remember the 50 million in China, remember all the millions in the Soviet Union and the millions that Nazi Germany murdered. We also shouldn't forget the millions that have died with every war since WWII. 
The Elite have wanted to have a decline in world population growth since Plato. They could care less how it's achieved. They do know that a free and we'll informed populace is something that can't have. Only they deserve wealth, freedom and real healthcare. You mean nothing to the Globalist Elite. In fact, do you ever wonder why Western Nations have a decline in population growth outside of immigration? Why infant mortality is rising and longevity is becoming shorter? Why everyone gets cancer, diabetes or other illnesses. Why your incomes have stagnated and the middle class is disappearing? One of the main reasons is IQ's are dropping with each generation. Over vaccination can and does contribute to all of the above. Foods with no nutritional value also contributes, let's not forget that cures are nonprofitable. You must be sick and not too smart in order to control. They are evil and it's time to realize what's really going on. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Maddow And Clinton Make Reference to Seth Rich During Panda Interview "What Happened?"

Whether you understand how these people work or not, you should be asking why in the world Maddow would throw an eight year old video of a Panda cub sneezing, into an interview with Hillary Clinton about her book "What Happened?" The laugh that was heard during this odd video from Hillary was reminiscent to the one she had in her "We came, We saw, He died" statement after the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya. 

Most of us know that one of the major reasons Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election was due to the leaked emails that Wikileaks ran during the campaign. I'm sure you remember the DNC and Clinton Campaign emails that were claimed to be hacked by Russia, yet steadfastly denied by Julian Assange. Remember the DNC refused the FBI and other government agencies access to their computers despite claiming the Russian narrative without proof. Reality points toward this being an inside job and that Seth Rich was the one who provided Wikileaks with the documents. 

Mr. Rich was a known Bernie Sanders supporter and it is believed he became upset with what he was seeing the DNC doing during the Democrat Primaries. Mr. Rich was a DNC staffer with IT experience and had access to the leaked materials. Assange has all but said "Seth Rich was our source." 

Seth Rich's death on July 10, 2016 remains unsolved and to this day the DC Metro Police have not released any information about their investigation or documentation concerning it. All we know for certain is they claim he died of gunshot wounds received during a botched robbery. End of story! At least that's what law enforcement, his family and MSM claim. Any evidence is speculative as they won't allow any outsiders to investigate or report on it. The magic words "Conspiracy Theory" are immediately placed on anything being said at all. 

I'm not making any claims or speculations. All that I am doing is providing some facts and outright oddities concerning the use of the Panda video in the middle of a supposed serious interview about the reasons HRC lost the 2016 Presidential Election. Of all of the characters involved in this question only one can be tied to Pandas. Understanding how these people work and how they mock us by showing the truth and laughing about it has me asking, "Why the old video of a Panda is placed into such a serious interview"? 

Seth Rich's Panda connections: @panda4progress on twitter, posts of Pandas on Facebook and his families posing with a stuffed Panda and confirming his love of them during an interview. Kim dotcom also confirmed that Seth used Panda as an alternative internet name.

What Happened? Delves into a blame game on everyone but Hillary for her losing the election. James Comey, Bernie Sanders, Russian hacking and collusion and of course the millions of white Americans that she claims must be sexist and racist. For those of us that already knew how corrupt and evil Hillary is, we're not surprised when Wikileaks revealed just how corrupt and evil Hillary, MSM and establishment Democrats and Republicans really are. 

The one thing Hillary can't say and yet now has is that the Panda (Seth Rich) is the one who showed the world the truth of the behind the scenes actions that our politicians do to manipulate and skew the truth. How we have been lied to repeatedly for decades. I hope you really take a look at how our once beautiful nation operates now. I wish I had the right words to wake everyone up from the nightmare we are all living. I seek the truth and it saddens me that so many refuse to even look or care. "That's the way it is" still rules, sadly. You believe it doesn't matter or that those of us that sacrifice our reputations are nothing more than crackpot conspiracy theorists. 

In case you don't realize it, there are millions of us with different political beliefs and yet similar agenda's. We know the hidden truths of those who wish to destroy us. Humanity, Christianity, family and true freedom are at stake. Your children's and grand children's lives are at stake and yet you claim your to busy to care. Its called freedom people, something humans have fought for since time began. Freedom to think, feel and achieve your highest dreams.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Who i am

Wishing someone would understand what it is I've fought all my life. It was never to make my life easier or to become a very rich person as that never interested me. I grew up always sensing that something was not right in the world I saw. One of my first memories was President John Kennedy being shot and killed. Then listening to President Johnson talk on the radio about Vietnam while riding around with my Grandparents throughout the Ohio countryside. Hearing of the civil rights marches led by Dr. King, hearing of his ultimate assassination. Malcolm X and Bobby Kennedy too. Watching a war fought in Vietnam on TV every night or protests against it.

Race riots and political speeches were always played out in front of me. The whole time I would sit and listen to the radio or watch the TV news even as a young child. I was a good kid or at least that is what I've been told. Very neat and clean as I'd have school clothes and play clothes I new the difference and would change my clothes without being told. I played with toys and would pick up after myself when done. My Grandpa bought me this tiny set of cowboys and Indians there were hundreds, I saw them in a store in New York City on one of our trips there in the late 60's. Grandpa must have seen my eyes as I marveled at this bag of horses, cowboys and Indians.

I was spending my weekends and most of my summers at my grandparents as both of my parents worked. I would get up in the mornings and set up great battles with these toys. The horses were black or brown and the cowboys and Indians were red, green and blue except for one Indian was yellow that became me in this fantasy play. Even when I went outside to play I took my Winchester pop gun and climbed up into the crabapple tree and would imagine fighting off the cowboys protecting my tribe. Always have wondered if this is where I got the wanting of long hair? Thank God for the 70's as it became the style. Today my hair is almost past the middle of my back and every haircut bugs me until it grows back.

As you may sense I was a loner in ways as I spent a lot of time that way and not necessarily by choice. My sister is 5 years older and most of my first cousins are now in there late sixties or seventies. I was the baby of the entire family and never had anyone my age to play with. So it was me and imagination.

When I started school the first day was a total embarrassment to me as I showed up without the magazine and other things that everyone else had. This may have created or contributed to my dislike day one of school. I spent a lot of time that year in the principles office doing my work and talking to the principle about how I didn't understand why I had to take a nap. I didn't need one and I wanted to learn about everything instead of drawing and wasting time sleeping. I don't remember his name but he was a great guy.

At home I played with the boy behind my house Tommy and his older brother who beat Tommy up all of the time. I hated watching this but sat and watched it happen. Their mom would yell and scream but it never stopped. On the weekends I'd be back at grandma and grandpas doing my thing. In those days it seemed as if we were always around family. My cousins in Michigan then New Jersey, or  throughout Ohio as we traveled a lot. Being so much younger I was of course left with my only true friend, my imagination. Maybe calling it that is wrong but I was always able to play quietly on my own never be coming bored.

There were some blank periods when I was young that I am honestly not sure of the timeline as it was kept from me as to what was going on. I have almost total recall of my younger days except one fact that has effected me more than just a side note. My sister became seriously ill at some point when I was about 3. She was hospitalized for almost a year in a vegetative state from some form of meningitis. I in ways remember her absence but can't seem to pinpoint it exactly.

We never played together and were never close and in fact to this day she refuses to even speak to me. I look back and try to figure this what was a life changing event for my family and me in particular as things were so messed up. She was older by 5 years yet treated so differently than me. I could do no right and she was the Queen Bee. When we became older I was not told I was wrong when we fought I was only told " Don't upset your sister". I'll never forget he hitting me in the back with a coffee mug. I picked it up and my Dad screamed "Alan no don't you dare" she laughed and walked away. Dad saw her hit me in my upper back but that's okay she could have hit me on the head that too would have been fine.

It wasn't explained to me why I was never to defend myself or had to watch as everyone bent over backwards for her. I never saw her punished in my life and she was always given whatever she wanted. We both got the mumps and it was if she may die any minute (exaggeration) but the 6 year old (me) was told "stop whining your okay". I always felt pushed aside as no matter what I did I never could get my parents attention. It was never explained to me why until I became older and even then I was told never to bring it up and " that's the way it is".

That's the way it is was already something I'd heard whenever I'd question most things. To me this is just surrendering and hiding the truth. I used to piss off the authority figures in my life as in my parents or elders. They'd ask me what I was doing as a teenager and I'd tell them. At times it was things most would lie about and get into trouble. Why lie? Tell the truth, my parents would look at me and I could see the thoughts going on inside. They wanted me to lie so they had a reason to punish me. I wouldn't. Believe me they stopped asking and would just punish cause they knew I'd fess up. As I tried to teach my own kids not to lie I found out that it didn't work as they'd lie their butts off.

I loved many things as a child and some still remain the same. Reading has always been a favorite as I prefer nonfiction, history, psychology, autobiographies, sociology. There was one book that was written in 1949 that for reasons u known to me until now, 1984 a fictional book about the future. Something told me in 1975 when I first read it that it was not fiction it was really the future. If you'd read this book you will see hopefully what I saw then as it was telling the plan that would be our future.

Baseball remains my favorite sport despite my inability to give it the time I once had. I first played in a league at 8, due to birthdays I was always a few months behind my peers in age. My Dad and Mom liked to watch the Tigers on TV I'd watch but during the 68 World Series I was a St Louis Cardinal fan. When the Tigers won my Mom never let me forget I rooted for the wrong team. I became a Tigers fan and remain one today. I played for a team called the Red Barons I threw right handed and batted left. My parents always stressed right hand dominance. One game I was playing first base and the ball was thrown over my head, I ran after the ball shedding my glove and threw the ball back into the field. My coaches Mr. McDonald and Johnson stopped the game. They told me to throw again left handed. I did and it was then I became a left handed ball player.

I'm considered ambidextrous as I can use either hand or have dominance with one or the other depending on what I'm doing. Right/Left brain function. Both sides working equally. Screwing me up on many motor skills and psychological. I have above average physical ability and above average understanding of emotional and logical thought. At 15 when my parents were forced to hire a lawyer attempting to get me back in school we were told my IQ. Probably a mistake on their part but as I've realized it was because  of it they didn't understand why I didn't like school.

It wasn't that I didn't like school as I love to learn. My objection was and is the Bullshit politics involved. The attempt to fill our heads with lies and untruths to create what we see today. People that accept that phrase " that's the way it is ." the same went for organized sports and life in general. Even families play this game. God knows the hours I sat in front of Principals, Deans and trying g like hell to stop the BS. Just as we all have heard in the 2016 presidential election, even as children you were only allowed to vote for those that the powers that be chose. Trump did upset this but I must explain my experience as what I was told and saw.

I broke a national record record that may still stand in Junior High. 40 yard shuttle run. After I'd done it and the gym teacher went into his office and called someone. I watched him looking at the stopwatch and saying things I couldn't hear through the glass. I could tell he was arguing with whoever. He finally came out and said he was mistaken it was only a school record. Bullshit! I experienced  the same p!aying 3B baseball. As I was told I was the most valuable player the night before the awards by the coach. The net day as they announced my teams MVP I began to walk up as they announced another name. I waved and walked back down the steps. I was told later it was because I was given other awards during all-star tournaments. I was a kid for God sake.

This never ended as when I played basketball, the end of the year ceremony the captain of the team was to get up and say a few words. At the beginning of the season everyone voted and picked our captain. I'm not naming names on purpose. So when it was announced that the captain was to speak I look at who I was told was the captain wondering why he didn't get up to speak. I looked around and noticed everyone looking at me. Throwing my hands open saying what? I was told by my teammates that they all had voted for me as captain. I was experiencing corruption and fraud.

This is just a tidbit and if I'd have the time a book that is nonfiction. I have been told many times to write about myself and my experiences that have made me who I am. If you are interested hit like and I will expand on this truthful journey.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

James Comey Hearing Exposes How Corrupt The Establishment Really Is.

We wanted the swamp drained, however most never realized how deep it really is. This latest round of testimony by former FBI director James Comey proves it is worse than many could possibly realize. The Washington Establishment are nothing less than corrupt, backstabbing, liars who only worry about themselves and could care less about the republic its institutions or the people. James Comey is nothing but a criminal who abused his power and the entire FBI to further his own and others like him agendas in the destruction of the visions of our founding fathers. The Constitution that was written in order to limit the size and control of the Federal government has been ignored repeatedly as it is no longer considered viable to those who are sworn to uphold it.

Comey showed how those in Washington DC play their games and willingly without hesitation break the law without worry of retribution or criminal indictment. They tie the system up with fraud and lies that only distract us from their criminal behaviors. How much longer are we going to sit quietly and say and do nothing about these evil people that believe they are above the law? The last time Comey testified he said nobody had ever attempted to interfere in any FBI investigation. It would have been "a big deal" he stated. Then suddenly now a little over a month later he claims that President Trump attempted to in the Michael Flynn case and then mentioned former AG Loretta Lynch's statements on calling off the Hillary Clinton email case.

With President Trump he did three things that should get him indicted. One, he turned over FBI documents to a third party to be leaked to the press. Two, he wrote these so-called memos on his personal computer. Three, he perjured himself repeatedly. And as with all who remain loyal to the criminal establishment Comey kept up the fraudulent claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and hacked the DNC and DCCC. The establishment line continues to be pushed despite zero evidence being produced. All diversions to the real crimes of the political assassination of Seth Rich and the high paid Pakistani congressional IT staffers known as the "Awan Brothers."

Comey admitted that his reason in leaking his memo's on his private conversations with President Trump was to force the Trump administration to hire a Special Counsel to investigate Russian interference (hoax). And as they do in Washington they hired former FBI director Robert Mueller who has a sparkling reputation. The establishment gives this man who covered up 9/11 nothing but praise. He's one of them and can't be trusted.

Never mind Hillary for prison, Benghazi, Private Server, Pay to Play, Clinton foundation fraud etc.. Never mind Obama and his treasonous actions along with being a war criminal by supporting the overthrow of several foreign governments. Never mind George W Bush creating the infrastructure for a police state through the Patriot Act along with covering up 9/11 and overthrowing foreign governments. Never mind Bill Clinton and his history of sexual assault and a multitude of scandals that began in Arkansas that continue to today. Never mind George HW Bush and his long history of overt and covert actions of creating a New World Oder. Let's keep making the false claims that Russia interfered with the 2016 elections that even Comey admits didn't change one vote.

Comey like many who sit in Washington's swamp of corruption and lies will walk away free to make millions as they all do. He is representative of the Establishment, Deep State, Globalist, New World Order that has one goal and that is to destroy the Republic of the United States of America.

Monday, May 22, 2017

If Kim Dotcom Proves Seth Rich Was DNC Wikileaks Source Russian Hacking/Collusion Story Must End

Some very high level Democrats are terrified that the truth is about to be told. Kim Dotcom the German born Entrepreneur who now lives in New Zealand, has let it be known that he can confirm that Seth Rich was in fact the Wikileaks DNC emails source. This destroys the entire "Russia did it" narrative that MSM and Democrats have been claiming. The Seth Rich story may also finally become front page news and no longer buried. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been in a self created situation since the murder of Rich. Assange had vowed to never give up his sources whether alive or dead.

Assange was forced to walk a tightrope of hinting that it was in fact Seth Rich who provided the corruption exposing emails. Offering a $20,000 reward in the murder case, using Rich's death as an example as to the danger his sources face. Assange even retweeted the recent Fox News 5 story that involved investigator Rod Wheeler saying that Seth Rich was the source and that the evidence was on his laptop.

Now that Kim Dotcom has entered the storyline more has come to light. Rich had a Reddit account that has been shown to have recent activity, someone has been editing his account. An anonymous source claiming to be one of Rich's surgeons the morning he was shot has said that the gunshot wounds were not life threatening. This anonymous source has also said that they were witness to federal investigators entering Rich's ICU room and that Rich died shortly afterward. This source seemed legitimate as they described the procedures in medical terms. However as with all anonymous sources you can't be certain if it is the truth.

MSM has used anonymous sources to build it's narrative of the Russian/Trump collusion claims and the Russian/Wikileaks source claims for almost a year now. If Kim Dotcom proves his claims then this entire MSM and Democrat narrative will blow up in their faces. It won't solve the Seth Rich murder investigation but it should create a demand for answers. Hopefully both of these stories can come to light and we can end the guessing game. If this Doctor comes forward it could also expose the level of corruption surrounding Rich's death. Putting to end the botched robbery claim and pointing to a political assassination instead.

Washington DC is full of anonymous sources as the truth can get you killed. The power these people in government wield is enormous even at lower levels. The American people have had the wool pulled over their eyes long enough. We deserve answers, we must demand them if we will ever really get our government back.