Again, another man who decides to resist arrest for an obvious crime made the decision that ultimately caused him to lose his life. The Media will use this as part of their narrative that the Police are hunting down Black Americans and killing them for no cause other than racism. After all they want you to believe that all White people are racists. Yet this case shows that the officers in question were only responding to a 911 call and followed procedure.
The body cam shows that the officers followed procedure and did nothing to cause this situation. The original contact was not confrontational at all. The officer responded to a call of a man sleeping in a car at a Wendy's drive thru. After several attempts to awaken Rayshard up. The officer allowed him to move the car out of the way. This caused more concern as Rayshard hit the curb. The officer then ran the plate as is procedure and found the vehicle was a rental, he then approached Rayshard again and this is when it became obvious that Rayshard was having extreme difficulties as he couldn't find his Driver's License. After giving his name and date of birth the officer ran it, again procedure and called for a DUI officer.
As you saw in the video, there are computers in the squad cars. With the name and date of birth the officer gets entire criminal history and any warrant, probation or parole situations. Again this is all procedure, Nothing the officer did was wrong, he followed procedure to a tee. Once the DUI officer arrived is when it becomes obvious to the officers that Rayshard was most likely intoxicated and already knowing he was on probation he was in violation of two crimes.
In reality it seemed as if the officers were attempting to give Rayshard every chance to not be charged. Unfortunately Rayshard couldn't keep his story straight and wasn't even sure where he was. Once the officers began to place him under arrest is when Rayshard began to make every mistake that not only put the officer's lives at risk but his own. He resisted and fought both then took a taser and ran. His final mistake was turning back and pointing the taser at the officers while he ran.
Ultimately Rayshard was at fault for this entire situation. He made all the wrong decisions and caused his own death. However, the Media is somehow blaming the officers for Rayshards decisions and even the Politcians and Prosecutor are using Rayshards wrong decisions and have charged the officer with murder for doing his job and following procedure.
This whole case is being used as part of the narrative by the media and left that we need to give the criminal a break. Let me ask this. What if these officers had just allowed Rayshard to drive off possibly causing a wreck and killing someone? What if Rayshard had just done what anyone knows is the right decision and not resisted his arrest? After all he would be alive today and just maybe learned from his own wrong decisions.
You may disagree with me, but that's just you promoting this crazy narrative that breaking the law is okay and fighting a police officer is okay just because you believe that they are racists.